Andrew Jesus Vega's Social
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My Summner ^_^
• I was in summer school for 14 days.
• I went to the beach with friends too many times.
• I had fun getting lost around the city.
• I got a job as an Artist.
• I got a new camera.
• I moved down two floors.
• I learned a lot more about Photoshop, by experimenting.
• I got myself into a very interestingly odd relationship xD
• I filled out college applications :o
• I’ve taken 2,844 pictures since June 14th
• Oh and I cracked my iPhone
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring Break
Good Bye Chicago! Hello Vacation.
I am going to mexico for spring break. Plane leaves tomorrow. I'm very excited. See ya next week:D
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Lets get it started.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Jasmine!
Entrance Way; Andrew Jesus Vega
I REALLY love this photo, I took this on Sunday at my cousin's house. This is the view from the stair case looking towards the living room and my uncle's office, this is also what you see when you first walk into the house.
I remember back in 2002 I think, when they first moved there. It was just so amazing because I had never been out to the country, I had never been in a corn field. It still is so much fun & peace when we go to visit. I think this doorway to the house really resembles a lot of history. Like whoa this house has been here for a long time, and has been passed from generation to generation and finally sold to a hopeful family. Well that a lot to say about a photo, but it defiantly resembles the history of the place. The stains along the edge of the frame to the doorway really add to the idea.
I thought this was super cool. I was walking up the stairs in my cousin's 100+ yr old house this weekend and I saw this little dirty window, it looked like it hadn't been dusted in decades. I saw it as something of a memory of people who had lived there before. There was even dead insects, mostly lady bugs. :) I named it Dirty Beauty, it just is right.
This is a photo I took on the highway this weekend. My family & I went out of town to visit my cousin jasmine for her birthday. And if you didn't already guess, the beautiful blury string of lights towards the top, is from a truck. Sometimes I wish I could live a more 'peaceful' rural life, but when I really think about it; my heart is in the city. The country side of illinois is very beautiful though, it's most crops & open fields and some small forest. I really enjoyed our little trip down to Claytonville, IL (My cousin's house). That town is literally SO small. The population is about like 70 or less. 70 People. =p
Friday, February 13, 2009
Photo Shoot
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sunset with Nat
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Busy Body
Today is a busy day, I think I'm just saying that because I have a lot of homework, but I get time to relax finally. Tomorrow is no school, that's a relief. Well I honestly have nothing more to say, weird me. Its only 12pm so the day isn't even close to over. I think I'll write again later tonight.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Pulaski Road
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Project 365
I’m Starting a new Project on January 1st. Basically I plan on taking a simple photo of my little 3 year old brother Michael for the next year, then playing it back at the end of the year in a video but at about 15 frames per second, so it should be pretty cool to watch Michael grow up in a 3 minute video :) I can’t wait for this to really evolve. I got the inspiration watching a world famous YouTube video .You must watch it, it is amazing! The artist – Noah Kalina
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I miss going outside and taking pictures
For the last week & a half or so I’ve been in & out of family’s homes visiting & being in the holiday spirit. Of coarse I bring my camera everywhere with me so by now I have at least a thousand pictures of family members, but I am longing to go outside far from home or just down the block to spend time with the world and my camera. Tomorrow I am going out with my friends Latrice, Gary, & Sophia. I need some environmental portraits for school so I will use them as my models :) I’m assuming that we are going to a nice park or the beach, to get some shots. Even though it’s so cold outside.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day
Now playing: 30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Getting Ready For Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2008
My History is Being Written
Friday at Gallery 37 we had our Winter Show Case Exhibit & my work along with other aaep students was up on display in the 5th floor gallery. It went very well everyone who came enjoyed them selves and the artwork. I'm so ecstatic that I'm starting to sell work! I don't feel very different of 'professional'. but you know ... its like a birthday. like ' wow I made it'. So I wasn't going to share how much I'm selling it for, but since I'm so super excited ... The Picture is Being sold for $150. I think Im going to Frame it 16x20. That's a fairly Huge picture that can go beautifully in somebody's living room or bedroom.
Here is a Thumbnail of the Photo I'm Selling.
If you are interested in Purchasing, Please contact me at